Over the years, organic certifications have been co-opted and watered down by big ag and large corporations. As of 2020, here is who actually owns your favorite 'organic' brands.
They have increasingly made it more difficult and more expensive for small farms and small business to get certified organic.
Under USDA certified organic rules they still allow for CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations, aka: feedlots and jam-packed confinement housing) farms.
Organic confinement chicken and turkey houses look just like their non-organic confinement animal feeding operation (CAFO) counterparts.
75% of the USDA certified organic eggs sold in America come from these large confinement operations.
The organic label does not guarantee good nutrition. Just like the NON-GMO certification does not guarantee glyphosate free. The devil is in the details. Organic products can be deficient in essential nutrients, loaded with sugar, unhealthy fats and seed oils.
Grass fed/grass finished meat is more nutrient dense than grain fed. Compared with grain fed meat, grass fed meat has as much as four times more vitamin E, five times more cancer-fighting CLA, three times more heart-friendly omega-3s, and twice as much beta-carotene. It is also lower in calories, total fat, and saturated fat.
Pasture-raised Chickens and Turkeys are much more nutrient dense than free-range or organic CAFO. According to a 2003 study out of Pennsylvania State University. In it, researchers found that one pasture-raised egg contains twice as much omega-3 fat, three times more vitamin D, four times more vitamin E and seven times more beta-carotene than eggs from hens raised on traditional feed.
We believe in transparency and will give you all of the details we can so you can decide for yourself. Some of our ingredients are certified organic but their practices go well beyond organic to include regenerative, humanely raised and harvested and much more.
We refuse to consume anything less and we figured there are a few of you out there that may be the same kind of crazy as us.